Yep, it’s back. The pink grass of Saratoga Springs, NY. And when I say pink, I mean pink. Nope, not pink wildflowers… pink grass. I love this grass! It comes out in the late summer and early fall, and when the sun hits it looks like the finest pink glistening fluff. It’s not uncommon in this area to see large fields of it. Put that next to the deep greens of the trees, and it looks surreal.  I love this grass, I really do, … so much to the point that when it comes out I likely annoy everyone around me by repeatedly pointing it out. I recently overheard my husband say to my son, “uh-oh, the pink grass is out, get ready, here she goes… ”  And so I did. Go, I mean. Outside, with pastels in hand to paint what I think is the most lovely grass I have ever seen. ~Rita

new sara pink grass22_opt

Saratoga Pink Grass, 9×12 oil pastel

And just in case you want to see the real deal, here’s a photo from talented local photographer Jackie Donnelly:

oakgrove,pinkgrass 2[1]

31 thoughts on “IT’S BACK!!!

  1. Pink grass?! That’s news to me. Looks absolutely wonderful. I think I would like to lie down in that pink grass and look up into the blue sky…and pretend I’m on a pink cloud. In Swedish, ‘on pink clouds’ means you’re in love or just really happy. The English meaning may be different. Love your painting, and it’s a really stunning subject 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Heidi! It was news to me too the first time I saw it! Yes, being on a pink cloud means the same in both languages. I am glad it evokes such a wonderful feeling in you. Thanks so much for stopping by. ~Rita


  2. Rearlly lovely Rita! it reminds me of Pink Muhly grass here which is stunning when backlit. When I lived in upstate New York, I had lovely pink flowers (from bulbs) that popped out in September, they self seeded through the grass, and that color is so unusual for the time of the year. That’s what I thought of when I saw your lovely (as usual) painting!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wondered what the pink grass is. At first I thought it might be gulf muhly

    but from the photograph you included I could tell it wasn’t that. Then at

    I read that little bluestem can appear pink, and the third photograph in that post appears to be the same one you showed.

    In Texas in the fall, little bluestem is pretty but not as pink as the eastern strain.

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